2023 Summer Associate Feature: Heidi Strigenz, Creighton University School of Law

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Photo of Heidi Strigenz, wearing a white shirt and a black jacket.

Fraser Stryker hosted a group of brilliant, ambitious law students during our 2023 Summer Associate program. We are excited to share insights from Heidi Strigenz about her experience this summer.


Heidi Stringenz is currently set to graduate from Creighton University School of Law in May 2024. Heidi is a member of the Creighton Scholars Program and a recipient of the Law Dean’s Academic Scholarship. She is also on Creighton Law Review’s Editorial Board as a Student Article Editor. Prior to law school, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude, Creighton University, majoring in Political Science and Legal Studies.

Q: Before this summer, what area(s) of law were you most interested in practicing? Describe how your interests change or strengthen during your time as a Fraser Stryker Summer Associate?

A: “One of the best things about working at Fraser is that you can tailor your work experience to your interests. I knew from my 1L summer that civil litigation was what I was most interested in, so I got to mostly work on those projects during my 2L summer. However, I was able to get a wide variety of other projects to get experience in those areas, as well. I really appreciate their commitment to making sure we are doing work that we are passionate about and enjoy.”

Q: Tell us about one of your proudest achievements while at Fraser Stryker.

A: “This summer I was able to make my first court appearance as a senior-certified law clerk. It was certainly a nerve-wracking experience, but it was so rewarding to be able to get in the courtroom and put my skills to work in a real-life situation. I am grateful to my attorney mentors who were committed to letting me gain that valuable experience.”

Q: What “words of wisdom” would you like to pass along to the next class of Summer Associates?

A: “To the next class of Summer Associates, be sure to take advantage of the out of office experiences. Fraser works hard to ensure that we have a great balance of work and play, so don’t forget to have fun too. Some of my best memories from the last two summers have been from the lunches, happy hours, and coffee breaks I took with my fellow associates and attorneys. The culture at Fraser is one of my favorite things about working here.”

About the Fraser Stryker Summer Associate Program

The Summer Associate Program is structured to give summer associates a realistic experience, which is comparable to that of a first-year attorney. Visit the Fraser Stryker Summer Associate Program page to learn more about our program.

This article has been prepared for general information purposes and (1) does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship, (2) is not intended as a solicitation, (3) is not intended to convey or constitute legal advice, and (4) is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney. Always seek professional counsel prior to taking action.

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