Fraser Stryker Receives Gold Recognition for 2024 Hermes Awards in Website Design

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2024 Hermes Awards Gold Winner –


We are proud to announce that the website has received Gold recognition at the 2024 Hermes Creative Awards in the Website Overall category.

In its 18th year, the Hermes Creative Awards is one of the world’s oldest and largest creative competitions – and the awards honor the messengers and creators of the information revolution. Bringing home a Gold award means that the new impressed judges from the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), who evaluated thousands of entries from around the world. Fraser Stryker is now recognized as a Hermes Award winner alongside Fortune 500 companies, media conglomerates and small businesses alike.

“We are thrilled to receive this award that recognizes the evolution of our historic brand,” says Sara Pierson, Fraser Stryker’s Director of Marketing and Business Development. “Our firm has been known for dedication to quality, innovation and outstanding service for 125 years. Having a modern website that showcases our deep bench of talent and communicates our value to clients ultimately drives Fraser Stryker’s future success. Working with the fSquared Marketing team was a great experience. They understood our Firm’s needs and skillfully delivered on our vision.”

“We’re honored to share this victory with Fraser Stryker, a longstanding firm committed to the success of their clients and their community,” says Lynn Foley, CEO of fSquared Marketing. “Through bold and sophisticated design, our dedicated creative team developed an easy-to-navigate and accessible site. The result is a new digital home for Fraser Stryker that delivers on the firm’s promise of making a positive impact on clients’ legal journeys.”

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