This year, Fraser Stryker will provide two scholarships. The scholarship recipients are Yvonnda Summers, a graduate of Millard South High School, and Divine W. Shelton, a graduate of Northwest High School. Both graduates will attend Creighton University in the fall of 2007.

Yvonnda Summers is the daughter of Monique and Otis Cooper of Omaha. Yvonnda was a Senior Class Board Member, National Forensic League Executive Board Member, Forensic Class Officer, and a Douglas County Teen Court Peer Judge at Millard South. She also was a member of the National Honor Society, made the Silver and Bronze Honor Roll, and placed first in the Forensics Speech Time. Yvonnda’s intended University major is Pre-Law/Political Science.
Divine W. Shelton is the son of Pamela Alston and Clifton Shelton of Omaha. Divine was the Senior Class President, Charter Member of the African American Leadership Association, and on the Varsity track team at Northwest. He was also a member of the National Honor Society, the Northwest Honor Roll, and Who’s Who Among High School Students. Divine’s intended University Major is Pre-Law/Political Science with an emphasis in public policy.
Fraser Stryker hosted a reception for the scholarship recipients, their families, employees of the law firm, and other invited guests on Wednesday, June 13, 2007, at 5:30 p.m. in the OPPD Atrium.
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