A 2008 Mercy High School graduate, Symone Sanders was chosen to introduce former President Bill Clinton at the Girls’ Inc. luncheon in Omaha in 2006, where he praised her performance. She received the Fraser Stryker scholarship to attend Creighton University, a $2,500 per year award that is renewed annually. She will also be eligible for a paid internship at the law firm during summer breaks. Symone plans to enter Creighton’s University College of Business 3-3 Law Program. She also earned a national Girls Inc. scholarship and the Creighton Smola-McCormick Scholarship.

Dina S. Ross, a 2008 Bellevue East graduate, received the second scholarship. She will attend Northwestern University where she plans to major in political science and international studies. Dina is a member of the National Honor Society and the Academic Top Honor Roll.
Photos provided courtesy of The Daily Record.
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